Suicide, convergent alerts of a silent phenomenon. Cases in Machala in the province of El Oro in Ecuador.


  • Manuel Horacio Valdiviezo Cacay Docente de la Universidad Técnica de Machala
  • Rosa Mirian Caamaño Zambrano Docente de la Universidad Técnica de Machala
  • Alba Violeta Granda Granda Docente de la Universidad Técnica de Machala
  • Carmen del Rocío Yangua Jaramillo Psicoterapeuta en el Ministerio de Salud Pública



suicide; voluntary death; suicidal societies; suicidal behavior.


In the present study, the issue of voluntary death is raised, which refers to suicide as a form of deterrence to existence. It has generally been approached from the health sciences and psychology, a conception that is not entirely comprehensive, it is urgent to conceive that the triggers of incidence in behavioral patterns or pathologies are social, the product of asymmetrical roles and relationships. Based on this conception, the objective is to contribute to the task of activating alerts to the silent scourge of self-harm to life, with a view to encouraging the design of public policies that place intervention strategies for etiological factors, identification and modification of depressive behaviors that induce suicide. Methodologically, it is a basic, descriptive, explanatory, non-experimental, mixed approach, based on the survey technique on a sample of 399 informants, with a margin of error of 5%. The results show a society with suicidal characteristics that trigger suicidal attitudes, with etiological factors in social brands that the senses transform and lead to one of the forms of exclusion conditioned by manifestations of cultural, political, economic, religious beliefs, among others, 93 % have had suicidal thoughts, 88% accuse socioeconomic precariousness, 94% emotional situations, which negatively influence the thoughts and actions that call for the cessation of existence. It is essential to design national and sectoral public policies with state mental health care systems with the participation of local governments.


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How to Cite

Valdiviezo Cacay , M. H. ., Caamaño Zambrano, R. M. ., Granda Granda, A. V., & Yangua Jaramillo, C. del R. . (2024). Suicide, convergent alerts of a silent phenomenon. Cases in Machala in the province of El Oro in Ecuador. REINCISOL, 3(5), 266–287.
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