Multitask learning in Chemistry and academic performance of high school students




multitask learning, academic performance, Chemistry, concentration


The concentration on academic activities and the simultaneous management of time in carrying out tasks are presented as obstacles in the adequate school performance of students of all educational levels, especially in subjects of mathematical competences such as Chemistry. The objective of the research was to establish methodological processes of multitask learning in Chemistry to achieve quality academic performance in high school students, from the Juan Montalvo Fiscomisional Educational Unit, in the city of Manta in Ecuador. Field research with a quantitative approach was used in the research methodology. At the theoretical level, the inductive and reflective methods were used, and a diagnostic test and a survey were applied as data collection instruments. The results showed that the majority of students have concentration difficulties when simultaneously carrying out two or more tasks or academic activities in Chemistry, and that academic performance improves when distractions are reduced, study time is organized and ICTs are used in the learning process. Finally, it is established that multitasking learning improves performance and school skills in Chemistry, when attention is positively captured, achieving better academic performance.


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How to Cite

Giler-Medina, P. (2023). Multitask learning in Chemistry and academic performance of high school students. REINCISOL, 2(3), 15–32.
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