Impact of Technological Skills on Basic Education Teachers




Teacher Digital Competence; Educational Technology; Basic Education; Technological Integration; Digital Divide.


This study examines the impact of technological skills in basic education teachers and their influence on the teaching-learning process. Utilizing a mixed methodology that included structured interviews and questionnaires, responses from 49 teachers were analyzed, revealing significant variability in their technological competence. The findings indicate that the heterogeneity in technological skills among teachers directly affects the quality of teaching and the effective integration of technology in the classroom. Key challenges identified include the lack of access to adequate technological devices, the need for training in technology use, and resistance to change. These barriers prevent a comprehensive adoption of technology, limiting educational enrichment opportunities and perpetuating the digital divide in the educational environment. The research concludes that comprehensive technological training for teachers is essential, not only to enhance their pedagogical practice but also to ensure an equitable and effective learning experience for students. The study highlights the need for educational policies and professional development programs that address these barriers, emphasizing the importance of an educational culture that values and leverages the possibilities technology offers to enrich learning.


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How to Cite

Castillo Córdova , G. E. ., Jiménez Guerrero. , S. V. ., Lapo Reyes, C. I. ., & Castillo Torres., J. A. . (2024). Impact of Technological Skills on Basic Education Teachers . REINCISOL, 3(5), 154–178.
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