Transformations in education: the synergy between new pedagogical methodologies and emerging technologies in education




Educational transformation; Pedagogical methodologies; Emerging technologies; Personalised learning.


Contemporary education is undergoing a transformation through the combination of innovative pedagogical methodologies and emerging technologies, aligning the educational process with the demands of an ever-evolving society. This convergence enables personalised and accessible learning while facilitating formative assessment that adapts educational strategies to the specific needs of each student. This research article explores the impact and barriers in integrating these methodologies and technologies, with the aim of identifying effective practices and tools that foster inclusive and personalised teaching models.

The study further proposes strategies and recommendations to overcome limitations in implementing these innovations, promoting accessible learning focused on developing key competencies. The methodology used incorporates approaches for analysing scientific sources and case studies to examine barriers and successful practices in education. Additionally, surveys will be administered to teachers and students to capture quantitative experiences, complemented by interviews that delve deeply into perceived challenges and benefits. The research concludes that the integration of active pedagogical methodologies and emerging technologies is essential to meeting the demands of the twenty-first century, offering opportunities to enhance educational quality and prepare students for a globalised and digitalised environment.


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How to Cite

Flores Jaramillo, J. D. . (2024). Transformations in education: the synergy between new pedagogical methodologies and emerging technologies in education. REINCISOL, 3(6), 5048–5066.
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