Innovation in the Teaching of Linear Algebra in Higher Education: Integration of Interactive Technologies and Pedagogical Approaches




Interactive technologies; Active methodologies; Teaching of linear algebra.


The teaching of linear algebra in higher education faces challenges due to its perception as an abstract and difficult subject to understand. To overcome these barriers, pedagogical innovation has been pursued, incorporating interactive technologies and teaching approaches focused on active student participation. Tools such as real-time visualisations and assisted learning applications allow abstract concepts to be represented in an accessible and dynamic manner, enhancing understanding and facilitating connections with practical applications. Additionally, methodologies such as problem-based learning and discovery-based learning encourage a more active approach, fostering the development of problem-solving skills. The systematic literature review employed the PRISMA methodology to assess the impact of these innovations on the teaching of linear algebra in the university setting. The reviewed studies show that active methodologies and interactive technologies increase motivation and improve concept retention. These strategies foster a more dynamic and collaborative learning environment, where students not only absorb theory but also develop essential practical skills. Together, these innovations present a crucial opportunity to transform the teaching of linear algebra, making learning more accessible and effective in professional contexts.


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How to Cite

Ávila Guamán, L. O. ., Briones Calvache , J. O. ., Hidalgo Cajo , D. P. ., & Calderón Gutiérrez, J. P. . (2024). Innovation in the Teaching of Linear Algebra in Higher Education: Integration of Interactive Technologies and Pedagogical Approaches. REINCISOL, 3(6), 4971–4988.
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