Sport program to improve physical performance in school age children
Sports program; physical performance; speed; endurance; long jump.Abstract
The primary objective of the investigative work carried out at the educational institution was to determine the impact of a sports activity program on the physical performance of school-age children, considering that children must have a comprehensive holistic development, the research design is field-based, experimental longitudinal section, the deductive method was used with a quantitative approach and a correlational descriptive scope, bibliographies of studies related to the topic were considered, the sample consisted of 22 children with the same probabilistic chosen by cluster, speed tests were applied, jump and resistance at the beginning and end of the program, which were processed with the SPSS statistical program applying a descriptive analysis of frequency distribution based on the subtractions that were obtained and using non-parametric tests of independent variables and paired samples with the application of the t-Students test, the results of which were analyzed for subsequent discussion and conclusion that served to test the hypothesis: does the sports program affect the physical performance of children?.
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