Old Style Euthanasia in Ecuadorian Procedural Law: An analysis of SENTENCE 67-23-IN/24





Euthanasia, Ruling 67-23-IN/24, death with dignity, unbearable suffering, decriminalisation.


Euthanasia is a controversial topic that sparks intense debate in ethical, legal, and social spheres worldwide. In Ecuador, the Constitutional Court, in Ruling 67-23-IN/24, addressed this issue in 2023 and set a precedent by decriminalizing euthanasia. Although this is a relatively new and under-explored topic in our country, there is a pressing need to thoroughly analyze Ruling 67-23-IN/24 and the underlying principles of its decision to have a clear understanding of what constitutes euthanasia from now on and, consequently, to efficiently regulate and construct a legal framework for its application in our nation. To this end, a qualitative approach and the lege ferenda method were employed, allowing us to gather information, analyze the ruling, and evaluate its legal effectiveness in regulating this new concept within our legal system. The results obtained have shown that Ruling 67-23-IN/24 represents a significant advancement in the debate on euthanasia in Ecuador, providing definitive concepts that allow for a clear understanding of what constitutes euthanasia, its types, and the rights that underpin access to it. In conclusion, euthanasia has been recognized in Ecuador, and now those suffering from unbearable pain can intentionally request, based on their personal desires and will, to end their life cycle.


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How to Cite

Jiménez Illapa , K. P. ., Cerpa Tambaco, A. S. ., & García Segarra, H. G. . (2024). Old Style Euthanasia in Ecuadorian Procedural Law: An analysis of SENTENCE 67-23-IN/24. REINCISOL, 3(6), 4790–4812. https://doi.org/10.59282/reincisol.V3(6)4790-4812
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