Comparative geospatial analysis of flood events recorded (2019-2024) and the flood risk layer of the Portoviejo canton.




(GIS; flood hazard; EVIN; RIA (High Flood Risk); RIM (Medium Flood Risk)).


Portoviejo is a canton that faces various hazards, including floods, landslides, earthquakes, sinkholes, and more. Flooding is the most frequent hazard, caused by natural events such as annual winter seasons or specific phenomena like the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), which has a recurrence period of 2–7 years. The Decentralized Autonomous Government of Portoviejo holds geographic information and flood hazard data in layer format since 2019, classifying flood risk as follows: RIA (High Flood Risk), RIM (Medium Flood Risk), RIB (Low Flood Risk), and NO RISK. Additionally, they collect information on events occurring in the city through EVIN (Initial Needs Assessment) records and reports from the same year.


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GAD Portoviejo. (2019). Agenda de Reducción de Riesgo del cantón Portoviejo · Biblioteca Virtual SNGRE. Secretaría Nacional de Gestión de Riesgos.

GAD Portoviejo. (2020). Plan 2035 para el Desarrollo y Ordenamiento Territorial. Portoviejo, Ecuador.

GAD Portoviejo. (2023). Plan de Acciones Anticipadas ante el ENOS. Portoviejo, Ecuador

GAD Portoviejo. (2019). Plan Cantonal para la Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres Portoviejo. Portoviejo, Ecuador.

García, A. E. R., Moreira, D. E. M., Ponce, A. N. B., Palacios, J. A. P., & Mera, C. J. M. (2021). Asentamientos humanos en zonas susceptibles a riesgos por inundación y deslizamiento de la ciudad de Portoviejo. Revista San Gregorio, 1(43), 109-123.

Instituto Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología (INAMHI). (2022). Estudio sobre el clima y fenómenos meteorológicos en Manabí. Ecuador.



How to Cite

Barcia García, K. M. ., Pacheco Gil, H. A. ., Moreira Moreira, S. L. ., & Barcia García, D. G. . (2024). Comparative geospatial analysis of flood events recorded (2019-2024) and the flood risk layer of the Portoviejo canton. REINCISOL, 3(6), 4527–4556.
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