School Leadership in Educational Centers: Strategies and Challenges for the 21st Century


  • Christian Ampudia Iza Escuela de Educación Básica Manuela Cañizares
  • Ninfa Celina Toapanta Sosa Unidad Educativa Caluma
  • Carmen Elizabeth Rodriguez Gualsaqui Unidad Educativa Fiscal Simón Bolívar
  • Fabian Filberto Fuentes Quisaguano Unidad Educativa Mejia



School leadership; educational outcomes; leadership practices.


This quantitative study aimed to analyze the relationship between leadership practices and educational outcomes in schools in Quito. A cross-sectional correlational research design was employed to examine this association at a specific point in time. Data was collected from 250 principals through a stratified random sample, who responded to a questionnaire designed to assess different dimensions of school leadership. The results revealed a significant relationship between practices such as strategic vision, pedagogical leadership, and change management, and variables such as academic performance and school climate. These findings suggest that effective school leadership is a determining factor in improving the quality of education. However, challenges related to the training of principals and the availability of resources were identified. Based on these results, recommendations are proposed to strengthen school leadership and improve educational outcomes in schools.


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How to Cite

Ampudia Iza, C. ., Toapanta Sosa , N. C. ., Rodriguez Gualsaqui, C. E. ., & Fuentes Quisaguano, F. F. . (2024). School Leadership in Educational Centers: Strategies and Challenges for the 21st Century. REINCISOL, 3(6), 4485–4498.
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