Use of Artificial Intelligence Models in Optimising Mathematics Teaching in Higher Education.


  • Jorge Pablo Rivas Díaz Universidad Anáhuac México
  • Carmen de las Mercedes Cevallos Méndez Universidad Estatal de Milagro
  • Zulema Jacoba Llange Nieves Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizan



Artificial Intelligence; university teaching; mathematical problem solving; automated tutoring systems.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has transformed higher education, particularly in the area of solving mathematical problems. This technology facilitates the analysis of large volumes of data and provides immediate feedback, assisting students in grasping complex mathematical concepts. The aim of this research is to evaluate the use of AI in problem-solving within university environments, identifying the most effective technologies and their impact on academic performance.

The methodology is based on a literature review of recent studies obtained from databases such as Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar. Research was selected that focuses on empirical applications of AI in mathematics learning within higher education.

The results indicate that AI has significantly improved students' academic performance and analytical skills. Technologies such as intelligent tutoring systems and machine learning algorithms offer personalised solutions, enhancing knowledge retention and accelerating the resolution of complex problems. Moreover, AI encourages autonomous and proactive learning. However, barriers were identified, such as the need to better train educators and ensure equitable access to these technologies.

While AI is having a transformative impact on the teaching of mathematics in higher education, it is essential to overcome technical limitations to guarantee its full effectiveness in the classroom.


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How to Cite

Rivas Díaz, J. P. ., Cevallos Méndez , C. de las M. ., & Llange Nieves, Z. J. . (2024). Use of Artificial Intelligence Models in Optimising Mathematics Teaching in Higher Education. REINCISOL, 3(6), 4334–4355.
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