Impact of the San José mobile application on the members of the San José Savings and credit cooperative limited Chimbo agency




mobile application; frequency of use; technological adoption; user experience; credit unions.


The digitalization of financial services is becoming more and more prevalent; consequently, this study focused on investigating the impact of the use of the San José mobile application on the members of the San José Savings and Credit Cooperative Limited, Chimbo agency. Therefore, the objective was to determine the frequency and efficiency of transactions made through the application, as well as to detect possible problems affecting member satisfaction. The methodology used was quantitative in approach; data was collected through surveys of 187 members of legal age registered in the mobile application. The findings were key, showing that the application was most used by young and middle-aged people, mainly for basic functions such as balance inquiries. In addition, there were significant technical issues, especially in the areas of login, confusing interface and connection failures, which negatively affected satisfaction and frequency of use. The results highlighted the need to refine technical functions and promote advanced features to improve the user experience and boost adoption of the application.


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How to Cite

Vargas Ayala , D. J. ., & Alban Yanez , E. H. . (2024). Impact of the San José mobile application on the members of the San José Savings and credit cooperative limited Chimbo agency. REINCISOL, 3(6), 4146–4160.
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