The Role of Physical Education in Reducing Stress and Improving Academic Performance


  • César Mauricio Catagña Vilatuña Unidad Educativa Municipal "Antonio José de Sucre
  • Lenin Alexander Salazar Jácome Unidad Educativa Municipal "Antonio José de Sucre
  • Diego German Padilla Iza
  • Evelyn Natalia Paucar Ipiales Unidad Educativa Municipal "Antonio José de Sucre



Physical education, well-being, academic performance, integral development, school climate.


This research aimed to analyze the influence of physical education on the integral development of students. Through a narrative review of scientific literature, the effects of regular physical activity on various aspects such as psychological well-being, academic performance, social skills, and school climate were examined. The results obtained strongly support the assertion that physical education is a fundamental pillar in the integral formation of students. Regular physical activity is associated with a significant improvement in psychological well-being, better academic performance, strengthened social skills, and a more positive school climate. These findings highlight the need to strengthen the role of physical education in educational systems, investing in quality programs and training teachers. Additionally, it is recommended to conduct long-term research to better understand the cumulative effects of physical activity and consider the individual differences of students. In conclusion, the scientific evidence supports the importance of promoting physical activity in schools as a strategy to foster the integral development of students and build healthier societies. 


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How to Cite

Catagña Vilatuña, C. M. ., Salazar Jácome, L. A. ., Padilla Iza, D. G. ., & Paucar Ipiales, E. N. . (2024). The Role of Physical Education in Reducing Stress and Improving Academic Performance. REINCISOL, 3(6), 4248–4262.
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