The challenges in the integration of ICT in the learning of undergraduate students
ICT, knowledge, socio-cultural paradigmAbstract
In recent decades there have been changes with the use of Information and Communication Technologies in various areas, being the education sector one of which has had changes in the way the student obtains and processes information through these tools for learning, derived from this current situation, this research was conducted which aimed to analyze the challenges of integrating ICT in undergraduate students. The approach used was quantitative, with a descriptive scope for which we worked with a sample of 65 undergraduate students from the states of Guanajuato and Aguascalientes. The main results showed the following: 47.75% of the students consider that ICTs are an important element for their academic training, 40.65% consider that they almost always help them to improve their academic results, 50.8% see them as a support to complement their scientific and formative knowledge. In their learning, 30.8% solve one problem at a time, 44.6% always receive information quickly with ICT and 46.2% commonly work with more than one activity. However, they do have challenges due to lack of connectivity, restriction in the use of these tools, only used to obtain information and limited use of office tools.
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