Strategic Planning: Importance in the Public Management of the Autonomous Governments of Guaranda County




strategic planning; public management; management by process, decentralized autonomous governments.


This study focused on designing a process management model based on Institutional Strategic Planning for the Public Management of the Decentralized Autonomous Governments of Guaranda. The interest was due to the fact that when searching for Strategic Planning on the institutions' websites, no further information was found. The objectives are to determine the strategic plans that the institutions have and to elaborate a management model by processes: Input, Process and Output to support Public Management. The study methodology has a qualitative approach, using bibliographic research and complementing it with interviews to the 9 representatives of the institutions. The results showed the Development and Territorial Ordering Plan and its campaign offers or Work Plans as Planning tools, as well as a multiannual follow-up and control. They also mentioned the use of these instruments as an input for the elaboration of the Annual Operational Plan and finally it was determined that no institution has an Institutional Strategic Plan. In conclusion, proposing a management model by processes: Input, Process and Output based on Strategic Planning will help strengthen public management and generate new procedures in certain strategic processes.


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How to Cite

Taco Núñez, F. A. ., & Quizhpe Baculima , V. H. . (2024). Strategic Planning: Importance in the Public Management of the Autonomous Governments of Guaranda County. REINCISOL, 3(6), 4103–4124.
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