Digital marketing: a challenge for entrepreneurship in Guaranda


  • Kattia Mishell Salazar Goyes Universidad Estatal de Bolívar
  • Jéssica Barreto Bonilla Universidad Estatal de Bolívar



digital marketing; microcompany; entrepreneurship; challenges.


The study focused on investigating the essential aspects of digital marketing in relation to microenterprises in Guaranda, due to the increasing use of digital media as a source of outreach and communication with customers. The digital knowledge and skills of these business units are an obstacle that does not allow these companies to clearly address these transcendent challenges in marketing activities. The objectives of the research are to build a clear theoretical review of the study variables and determine which digital marketing techniques or tools represent a challenge for microenterprises in Guaranda. We used a quantitative approach and the application of a questionnaire that integrates the crucial characteristics of the subject of study. The results showed an incipient use of digital marketing tools in local microenterprises, but highlighted the relevance of these businesses that contribute significantly to the economy of the community. It was concluded that this type of business does not consider the application of digital media, techniques or platforms in their marketing actions due to the lack of knowledge they have of them and not recognizing the market opportunity that online media have become.


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How to Cite

Salazar Goyes, K. M. ., & Barreto Bonilla , J. . (2024). Digital marketing: a challenge for entrepreneurship in Guaranda. REINCISOL, 3(6), 4040–4063.
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