Corporate Social Responsibility in the management of the San José Agencia Chillanes Savings and Credit Cooperative.


  • Fátima Dorila Monar Yánez Universidad Estatal de Bolívar
  • Rene Mesías Villacrés Borja Universidad Estatal de Bolívar



Corporate Social Responsibility; Savings and credit cooperatives; financial resources, social actions, environmental actions


This study analyzes the perception of the members of Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito San José, Chillanes agency, on their corporate social responsibility, addressing the lack of transparency in the social and environmental dimensions observed in the financial sector. The objective is to evaluate the level of CSR compliance in this institution, identifying both strengths and areas for improvement. A quantitative methodology with a descriptive approach was employed, using questionnaires addressed to a sample of members to collect meaningful data. The results show that members value positively the efficiency and transparency of the cooperative's economic management. However, there is considerable indifference or lack of clarity in perceptions related to the social and environmental dimensions. Although some members recognize efforts to reduce environmental impact, others perceive these actions as insufficient or occasional. In addition, there is a general perception that it is necessary to increase efforts in social responsibility, especially in the implementation of environmental practices and the promotion of a safe working environment. It is concluded that, although expectations are met in terms of economic management, it is essential to improve communication and the effectiveness of its actions in the social and environmental areas. It is recommended that future studies delve deeper into the factors that influence members' perception of CSR and develop pilot programs to evaluate possible improvements. 


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How to Cite

Monar Yánez, F. D. ., & Villacrés Borja , R. M. . (2024). Corporate Social Responsibility in the management of the San José Agencia Chillanes Savings and Credit Cooperative. REINCISOL, 3(6), 3923–3942.
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