Analysis of factors influencing sustainable entrepreneurship: a literature review


  • Verónica Alexandra Garófalo Valdiviezo Universidad Estatal de Bolívar
  • Alexandra Maribel Arguello Pazmiño Universidad Estatal de Bolívar



sustainable entrepreneurship; innovation; digitalization; economic sustainability; social development.


The study examines the key factors of sustainable entrepreneurship, highlighting that, despite growing interest, gaps in the understanding of these factors persist, limiting the success and expansion of these businesses. Lack of understanding can hinder the resolution of environmental and social problems.  The central problem focuses on the need to understand what elements are determinant for the success of ventures that seek not only economic viability, but also a positive impact on the environment and society. The main objective is to identify and evaluate the economic, social and technological factors that affect sustainability in entrepreneurship. The methodology employed is qualitative, based on the analysis of scientific articles published between 2019 and 2024, following a documentary approach and using the PRISMA methodology for data selection and analysis. The main results indicate that the combination of sustainability, innovation and digitalization is crucial to improve the financial performance of ventures, while education and social networks play an essential role in their promotion and success. In conclusion, the study provides a comprehensive understanding of the key factors that facilitate or hinder sustainable entrepreneurship


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How to Cite

Garófalo Valdiviezo , V. A. ., & Arguello Pazmiño , A. M. . (2024). Analysis of factors influencing sustainable entrepreneurship: a literature review. REINCISOL, 3(6), 3853–3879.
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