Customer Loyalty in Food and Beverage Enterprises in the City of Guaranda




loyalty; entrepreneurship; food industries; small and medium-sized enterprises; service quality.


The study addresses the problem of customer loyalty in food and beverage establishments in Guaranda, Ecuador, a critical aspect for the sustainability of these businesses in a competitive environment. The main objective was to analyze the factors that influence customer loyalty, identifying the key characteristics that contribute to a lasting relationship between consumers and local brands. The research employed a mixed approach, with a non-experimental field design based on surveys of 25 establishments. Data were analyzed using statistical techniques such as Cronbach's Alpha, Cramér's V and Correspondence Analysis. The results revealed that only 36% of the surveyed establishments implemented loyalty strategies, with service and product quality as the most influential factors. However, strategies such as discounts and promotions showed a low correlation with loyalty, as did the use of digital tools such as online ordering. The conclusion points to the need for a more comprehensive approach adapted to the particularities of the local market to improve loyalty in these ventures.  


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How to Cite

Chiriboga Secaira, D. A. ., & Cáceres Bonilla , S. . (2024). Customer Loyalty in Food and Beverage Enterprises in the City of Guaranda. REINCISOL, 3(6), 3762–3782.
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