Analysis of the factors that affect the permanence in the market of the enterprises in the Guaranda canton.
Entrepreneurship; factors; market permanence; growth rate; innovation.Abstract
This article revealed an entrepreneurial panorama that has experienced a notable increase in recent years, however, a high rate of entrepreneurial failure persists, evidencing the difficulty of new businesses to sustain themselves in the long term. This study analyzed the factors that influence the permanence in the market of enterprises in the urban parish of Guaranda canton, Ecuador. Using a quantitative and descriptive approach, with a non-experimental design, a survey was implemented to collect relevant data. The results revealed that the sustainability of the enterprises is determined by a complex interaction of internal and external factors. It highlights the critical importance of adaptability and long-term strategic vision of entrepreneurs to effectively navigate in a dynamic business environment. The study accentuated the need for a holistic approach that considers both the internal competencies and resources of the ventures and the conditions of the local entrepreneurial ecosystem. These findings provided valuable insights for the development of more effective policies and support programs aimed at improving the survival and success rate of ventures in Guaranda, thus contributing to the sustainable economic development of the region.
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