Montessori pedagogy associated with sensory competencies in early education students.
Montessori method, pedagogy, sensory skills, early education.Abstract
This study explores the implementation of the Montessori method to strengthen sensory skills in early childhood education students in Ecuador; The research is based on the idea that sensory education is essential for the comprehensive development of the child and that the Montessori method offers an ideal pedagogical framework to achieve it; The results show that the application of Montessori materials and activities had a positive impact on the sensory development of students; Children showed greater interest and curiosity in exploring their environment, developing cognitive and motor skills more effectively; However, the study also reveals challenges such as lack of resources and teacher training; Despite this, the findings highlight the importance of sensory education and the relevance of the Montessori method in the Ecuadorian context; In addition, the results of this research underline the importance of sensory education in the early stages of child development and the effectiveness of the Montessori method to achieve it; However, it is essential that future research thoroughly explore the long-term impact of this method and its applicability in different contexts; In addition, it is recommended to strengthen teacher training and the availability of resources to ensure a successful implementation of the Montessori method in Ecuadorian schools.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Norma Celenita Sarzosa Herrera , María Lissety Zambrano Hernández, Yomira Denisse Cimarra Suárez , Enitt Rosalba Sarzosa Herrera, Sandra Cecivel Cedeño Briones
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