Quality of service and its impact on customer satisfaction in the Corporation National Telecommunications (CNT), Ecuador





Quality; responsiveness; public entity; incidence, satisfaction


To guarantee the satisfaction and efficiency of an institution, both public and private, it is important to carry out an evaluation of the quality of the service provided to the client that allows identifying the needs of users and improving certain aspects that satisfy them.  The objective of the research was to analyze the quality of the service and its impact on customer satisfaction in the National Telecommunications Corporation, Ecuador.  The study was non-experimental and transversal, field and descriptive, with a quantitative approach. A sample of 383 users who are clients of the National Telecommunications Corporation (CNT) company in zone 4 and are assisted in various operations by employees were analyzed. A survey was applied based on the Servqual model, structured with 9 items. The main results showed that the institution does not meet the expectations of the users, indicating their dissatisfaction, an average dissatisfaction gap of 4.30% is evident, measured with the Customer Satisfaction Score CSAT system, in relation to the quality of service that is achieved. offers. It is concluded that according to the perception of users, the quality of the service implies the promotion of the dimensions of security, reliability and responsiveness.


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How to Cite

Intriago Uquillas, K. A. ., & Cedeño Pico, M. R. . (2024). Quality of service and its impact on customer satisfaction in the Corporation National Telecommunications (CNT), Ecuador. REINCISOL, 3(6), 3202–3221. https://doi.org/10.59282/reincisol.V3(6)3202-3221
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