The lack of motivation and the erroneous oral resolution that is dictated during the hearing in the general organic code of processes (COGEP)




Motivation, COGEP, due process.


The objective of this research was to analyze the lack of motivation and the erroneous oral resolution that is dictated within the hearing in the general organic code of processes (COGEP) from the methodological point of view under a bibliographic review process. The research methodology is of a descriptive type, it is classified as a bibliographic research, and was developed under the parameters of a theoretical-legal research. The population was represented by six electronic bibliographic sources and the interpretation of the information was carried out through the content analysis technique. Among the main results, it is found that motivation is a principle within due process, a constitutional guarantee which must guide the making of adjusted decisions, which must be constructed taking into account cognitive achievement, application of logical interferences, explanation and justification It is concluded that judges, who are the administrators of justice, must have the knowledge that gives them the powers to admit the evidence presented by the procedural subjects, from whose analysis the correct and explicit motivation that gives value to the decision is derived. of decisions regarding the admissibility or inadmissibility of evidence in order to safeguard the right to evidence as a guarantee of due process, giving validity to the judicial action. 


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How to Cite

Sánchez Encalada, B. J. ., & Suárez Venegas, R. J. . (2024). The lack of motivation and the erroneous oral resolution that is dictated during the hearing in the general organic code of processes (COGEP). REINCISOL, 3(6), 3180–3201.
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