Obtaining and characterization of chitosan from red crab (Procambarus clarkii)





chitin; chitosan;biopolymer


The global challenges associated with plastic pollution intensify the imperative need to find sustainable solutions rather than relying exclusively on conventional plastics. In this scenario, the efficient exploitation of the waste generated by the crab industry emerges as a promising approach to obtain chitosan, a biopolymer that stands out for its versatility and environmentally friendly nature. The use of chitosan as a biopolymer from crab for potential applications such as bioremedication of bodies of water or obtaining biodegradable plastics. Several studies have highlighted the unique characteristics of chitosan, including its biodegradability, biocompatibility in biotechnological applications. Previous research has examined its use in a variety of sectors, from medical to food, evidencing its ability to address environmental challenges and foster sustainability.

Of importance, the incorporation of chitosan in wastewater purification processes as a substitute for aluminum sulfate or the use of chitosan as a biopolymer from crab to obtain biodegrable plastics was based on depigmentation, demineralization, deproteinization and deacetylation. Specifically, the incorporation of chitosan in the manufacture of biodegradable plastics is presented as a promising and pertinent area of research. In addition, the extraction of chitosan through characterization was successfully concluded, achieving a chitosan with a deacetylation percentage of 56.1% obtained by FTIR this achievement represents a significant step towards the effective use of renewable resources in the production of sustainable materials, contributing to the mitigation of plastic pollution and the promotion of more environmentally friendly practices.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Vásquez, V. L. ., & Chenche López, O. M. . (2024). Obtaining and characterization of chitosan from red crab (Procambarus clarkii). REINCISOL, 3(6), 3166–3179. https://doi.org/10.59282/reincisol.V3(6)3166-3179
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