Evaluation of light cryptography algorithms on low-cost IoT devices
cryptography, IoT devices, Internet of Things (IoT), Low-cost devices, IoT Security.Abstract
The present study focuses on the application of lightweight cryptography techniques in low-cost IoT devices. With the exponential growth of Internet-connected devices, it is important to maintain the security and privacy of data transmitted and stored. However, these low-cost systems often have limitations in terms of computational resources, making it difficult to implement conventional cryptographic algorithms. In this work we proposed to evaluate lightweight cryptography algorithms integrated into a low-cost IoT device. These algorithms are characterized by requiring fewer computational resources, which makes them more appropriate for low-cost devices. Therefore, a comparative analysis of three lightweight cryptography algorithms was carried out, with a focus on security, performance and efficiency on resource-constrained IoT devices. In addition, aspects such as the number of encryptions and decryptions per minute, energy consumption and resistance to attacks to break encryption were evaluated. On the other hand, simulations were carried out to verify the security and performance of the system, and the results were compared with those obtained in two conventional cryptographic algorithms. The results of the study demonstrate that lightweight cryptography is a viable solution for low-cost IoT devices, as it offers an appropriate balance between security and efficiency in terms of computational resources. These algorithms allow you to protect the information transmitted and stored in IoT devices, without compromising performance or quickly exhausting limited resources.
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