Comprehensive assessment of community vulnerability to disasters in the Picoazá Parish of the Portoviejo Canton.




(governance; resilience; oscillation; perception; vulnerability).


Floods on the Ecuadorian coast are an event that normally happens every year as a result of heavy rains during the winter season or a particular event such as the El Niño Southern Oscillation Event (ENSO), the compilation of historical events through information The basis of the SNGR and registration software such as DesInventar identify the annual frequency of floods due to river overflows resulting from heavy rain, in the current study we have proposed a vulnerability analysis methodology, the Pressure and Release (PAR) model is applied through which important information about the parish such as social, economic and environmental aspects is analyzed in a descriptive manner, the incorporation of the risk management variable for vulnerability assessment is a process within a chain of parameters and guidelines that begins with the strategic actions of the Sendai Framework, which allow understanding risk within the number one priority in its first five strategic actions, the study has incorporated the guidelines of the governing body of the National Secretariat of Risk Management, such as the guidelines for the Governance of Disaster Risk Management in the Municipal and Metropolitan Decentralized Autonomous Governments and the Technical Manual for the preparation of the agendas. disaster risk reduction plans, the perception of vulnerability in the parish of Picoazá is the conjugation of all the physical variables and vulnerability factors that allow identifying risk reduction and mitigation actions by developing capacities and promoting community resilience.


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How to Cite

Pincay Velez, S. M. ., Perero Espinoza, G. A. ., Haro Erazo, S. J. ., & Vélez Macías , L. A. . (2024). Comprehensive assessment of community vulnerability to disasters in the Picoazá Parish of the Portoviejo Canton. REINCISOL, 3(6), 2875–2894.
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