Surgical wound infection associated with discharge due to death in HGZ 12




surgical wound infection; hospital discharge due to mortality; risk factors


This study investigated the incidence and factors associated with hospital discharge due to mortality in patients with surgical wound infections at Hospital General de Zona No. 12 in Lázaro Cárdenas, Michoacán, from 2019 to 2021. A retrospective analysis of 128 cases recorded in the INOSO database was conducted, considering variables such as age, gender, type of infection, degree of contamination, and comorbidities

The results revealed that 3.9% of patients with surgical wound infections died during their hospital stay. The majority of patients were male, with a mean age of 46.55 years and an average length of hospital stay of 10.55 days. The most common type of wound was clean-contaminated, and the most frequent infection was deep. Bacterial cultures indicated that Escherichia coli was the predominant

Type 2 diabetes was identified as a significant risk factor for hospital discharge due to mortality, while other comorbidities did not show a statistically significant association. These findings underscore the importance of early identification and appropriate management of surgical wound infections and their complications. The information obtained provides a foundation for future research and improvements in prevention and treatment strategies within the hospital setting.



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How to Cite

García Pérez, N. L. ., & Reyes Moya, J. A. . (2024). Surgical wound infection associated with discharge due to death in HGZ 12. REINCISOL, 3(6), 2813–2826.
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