The universal design for learning (Dua) in higher education: evaluation of adaptations and its effect on student performance




universal design for learning (UDL); higher education; inclusivity.


Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in the field of higher education is presented as an inclusive approach aimed at guaranteeing equity in access and participation for all students, regardless of their specific educational abilities or needs. This research aims to analyze the impact of DUA in higher education, focusing on how the pedagogical adaptations derived from this approach affect the academic performance of students. The aim is to evaluate the effectiveness of inclusive DUA strategies to improve the accessibility and participation of students with diverse needs, as well as their influence on motivation, commitment and academic achievements. The implementation of UDL in higher education was the subject of an exhaustive analysis through a detailed review of the existing literature on its principles and its impact on academic performance. This approach allowed us to evaluate how flexibility in teaching, facilitated by the offer of multiple forms of representation, expression and participation, contributes to the acquisition of knowledge. The results indicated that the use of the DUA significantly improved the academic performance of the students, by allowing each one to interact with the content according to their preferred learning styles. Additionally, an increase in interest and understanding of the topics covered was observed, along with a reduction in traditional barriers that affected students with diverse needs, thus promoting greater equity in access to education.


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How to Cite

Condori Mamani , B. ., Borja Salazar, J. C. ., Sañay Moina , . G. I. ., & Robles Ramírez , A. J. (2024). The universal design for learning (Dua) in higher education: evaluation of adaptations and its effect on student performance. REINCISOL, 3(6), 2599–2620.
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