Integration of ICT in the teaching of factorization to improve student understanding and practice in mathematics


  • Kleber Andres Mora Guevara Universidad Estatal de Milagro
  • José Jairo Ojeda Ojeda Universidad Internacional de la Rioja
  • Maria Leyda Villafuerte Cordova Universidad de Guayaquil
  • María Jacqueline López Nieves Universidad de Guayaquil



information and communication technologies (ICT), mathematical factoring, mathematics teaching


The integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the teaching of mathematical factoring has been established as an essential pedagogical strategy to improve student understanding and practice in this area. In an educational context where traditional methods face challenges in maintaining student interest and motivation, the incorporation of interactive digital tools and multimedia resources offers new teaching opportunities. The primary goal of this study is to improve student understanding and practice in this critical area. Specifically, it seeks to facilitate the assimilation of abstract concepts through the use of interactive digital tools and multimedia resources, thus promoting greater motivation and participation of students. The narrative review method was carried out and proved to be essential in the methodology of this topic, providing a comprehensive and contextualized understanding of the integration of ICT in the teaching of mathematical factoring. This approach allowed us to analyze and synthesize a wide variety of relevant studies and sources, identifying trends, debates and gaps in the existing literature. The integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has emerged as a highly effective strategy to enrich the teaching of mathematical factoring, significantly improving both students' understanding and practice. Digital tools not only enable interactive visualization of abstract concepts, but also transform the learning process by providing simulations and visual representations that make the complex principles of factoring accessible 


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How to Cite

Mora Guevara, K. A. ., Ojeda Ojeda , J. J. ., Villafuerte Cordova, M. L. ., & López Nieves, M. J. (2024). Integration of ICT in the teaching of factorization to improve student understanding and practice in mathematics. REINCISOL, 3(6), 2556–2579.
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