Design engineering and simulation assisted by artificial intelligence


  • Paola Gabriela Enríquez Yépez Centro de Educación Inicial Saint Nicolas
  • Washington Eduardo Lascano Tacuri Unidad educativa Pedro Fermín Cevallos
  • Mayra Alejandra Lizano Jácome Universidad Politécnica Estatal del Carchi
  • Jaime Marcelo Altamirano Hidalgo Unidad Educativa Pedro Fermín Cevallos



Artificial intelligence, engineering, computer aided design, innovation, automation.


This review article examines the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on design and simulation engineering processes, emphasizing the transformation that the integration of advanced technologies in these fields has generated. The central objective of the study is to understand how AI has influenced the way products and systems are designed and optimized, accelerating processes and improving the quality of results. To perform this analysis, the SCOPUS bibliographic database was used. Specific criteria were established, including the selection of documents in Spanish and English and their classification into "article" and "review" types, resulting in the compilation of 4,649 academic articles. These data were analyzed using RStudio and the Bibliometrix application. The analysis reveals that AI has not only accelerated the ideation process, but has also enabled engineers to explore a broader spectrum of possibilities, making it easier to identify innovative solutions and optimize product and system development. Advances in AI algorithms and their integration into simulation tools have transformed the way design challenges are addressed, enabling the creation of more complex and sophisticated designs in less time and with greater accuracy. This approach not only increases the efficiency of processes, but also opens new opportunities for innovation, strengthening the ability of professionals to develop solutions that were previously unattainable. 


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How to Cite

Enríquez Yépez, P. G. ., Lascano Tacuri, W. E. ., Lizano Jácome, M. A. ., & Altamirano Hidalgo, J. M. . (2024). Design engineering and simulation assisted by artificial intelligence. REINCISOL, 3(6), 2494–2521.
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