Violation of due process by the dismissal of the state comptroller general from elected authorities


  • Angi Fernanda Mendoza Arteaga Magíster en Gestión del Cuidado con mención en Unidades de Emergencia y Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos
  • Gabriela Stefania Cabrera Paladines Magíster en Gestión del Cuidado con mención en Unidades de Emergencia y Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos
  • Mariuxi Yamile Ochoa Apolo Docente de la Pontificia Universidad Católica Del Ecuador



Hospital, health service, and medical treatment.


In the field of hemodialysis, nursing has evolved by combining compassion, skills, and knowledge to transform the lives of patients with chronic kidney disease. The objective is to determine the nursing intervention strategies applied during hemodialysis through a review of existing literature. systematic review, using the PRISMA method based on a search of scientific evidence in databases such as Redalyc, PubMed, Redib, Scielo, and Google Scholar, analyzing a total of 65 articles. The reviewed studies identified that nursing strategies applied during hemodialysis include direct care, patient education, the articulation of multidisciplinary work, and the coordination of the hemodialysis process. Nursing interventions are limited by significant challenges such as the lack of human and tangible resources, disruptions in the infrastructure of renal centers, and the lack of personnel training in managing renal patients, affecting adherence and treatment outcomes.


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How to Cite

Mendoza Arteaga , A. F. ., Cabrera Paladines, G. S. ., & Ochoa Apolo, M. Y. . (2024). Violation of due process by the dismissal of the state comptroller general from elected authorities. REINCISOL, 3(6), 2332–2362.
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