Impact of the use of online learning platforms on the development of digital competencies in technical high school students: a case study in digital electronics.


  • Adrián Vladimir Purcachi García Unidad Educativa 10 de Enero
  • Daniel Waldorffo Guambuguete Rea Unidad Educativa 10 de Enero
  • Narciza De Jesús Gaibor Sangacha Unidad Educativa 10 de Enero
  • Beatriz Ernestina Cayambe Lema Unidad Educativa 10 de Enero



Online learning platforms; Digital competencies; Digital Electronics; Virtual Teaching and Learning Environment (EVEA); Academic performance.


This study analyzes the impact of the use of online learning platforms in the development of digital competencies in technical high school students, specifically in the subject of Digital Electronics at the “10 de Enero” Educational Unit in the San Miguel canton, Bolivar province; a virtual teaching and learning environment (EVEA) was implemented, structured in seven academic units according to the curriculum of the Ministry of Education and Culture; access to the platform was through users and passwords previously registered by the teacher, and the academic performance of the students as well as the perception of the resource was evaluated by means of online surveys; the results showed that 76% of the students were aware of the EVEA concept, 96% had ever used a virtual environment, and 60% considered that EVEA improved their knowledge of digital electronics; however, 44% indicated that they almost always benefited from EVEA content and 64% would be willing to use new technologies to reinforce their knowledge; the comparative analyses indicated a significant increase in the students' grades after using EVEA, with an average of 8.8 points in the post-test versus 6.6 points in the pretest; the hypothesis posed was confirmed, demonstrating that the use of EVEA had a positive effect on academic performance, facilitating more autonomous and effective learning through technological resources appropriate to online education.     


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How to Cite

Purcachi García, A. V. ., Guambuguete Rea, D. W. ., Gaibor Sangacha, N. D. J. ., & Cayambe Lema, B. E. . (2024). Impact of the use of online learning platforms on the development of digital competencies in technical high school students: a case study in digital electronics. REINCISOL, 3(6), 2247–2267.
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