Sustainable Tourism and Neuropsychology: Promoting Cognitive and Emotional Wellbeing through Environmental Education in Esmeraldas




sustainable tourism, neuropsychology, environmental education, cognitive well-being, Esmeraldas.


This article explores the relationship between sustainable tourism, neuropsychology, and environmental education as tools to promote cognitive and emotional well-being in Esmeraldas, Ecuador. The importance of sustainable tourism is highlighted as an approach that not only minimizes negative impacts on the natural and cultural environment, but can also improve the mental and emotional health of visitors by facilitating direct contact with nature. Through an analysis of the neuropsychological aspects of well-being, studies are reviewed that demonstrate the cognitive and emotional benefits of being in natural environments, such as reduced stress, improved attention, and increased happiness. Furthermore, environmental education is presented as a key component to foster sustainable attitudes and behaviors in local communities and among tourists. Specific challenges faced by Esmeraldas in implementing these practices are discussed, such as the lack of adequate infrastructure and low environmental awareness, and opportunities for improvement are proposed, such as the development of sustainable infrastructure, the promotion of ecotourism, and active community participation. Finally, it is argued that the synergy between sustainable tourism, neuropsychology and environmental education can position Esmeraldas as a destination that not only preserves its natural and cultural wealth, but also promotes the integral well-being of its visitors and residents.


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How to Cite

Castillo Vernaza, J. L. ., Ante Padilla, L. I. ., Vernaza Hinojosa, I. L. ., & Saavedra Fuente, D. A. . (2024). Sustainable Tourism and Neuropsychology: Promoting Cognitive and Emotional Wellbeing through Environmental Education in Esmeraldas. REINCISOL, 3(6), 2228–2246.
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