Vocational Induction Program for Incoming Students in Technical High School in Accounting, a methodological proposal
Software; Accounting; Education; Strategy; Management; Heuristics.Abstract
The development of a vocational induction program is considered a set of activities designed to help individuals explore and discover their interests, skills, aptitudes, and values in order to make informed decisions about their career or profession choice. The goal is to design a Vocational Induction Program for the entry of students into the Technical Baccalaureate in Accounting at the “Jaime Roldos Aguilera” College. The methodology focused on an applied study based on the constructivist paradigm, observation, and a mixed approach. Participants were selected through non-probabilistic sampling, including 50 students from the 10th year of basic education, who were surveyed. The results indicate that the workshop was very effective in improving the understanding of functions, subjects, job opportunities, and skills necessary in accounting, as well as increasing interest and information about the benefits of this specialty among participants. It is concluded that vocational guidance was successful in increasing interest and knowledge about accounting among tenth-grade students. The data collected indicate that the workshop had a significant impact on improving the understanding of functions, subjects, job opportunities, and skills required in accounting, in addition to increasing interest and information about the benefits of this field among participants.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Narcisa Carolina Rivas Guarinda , Jessica Carolina Vilañez Huertas, Christian Fidel Solorzano Vargas, Luis Manuel Maceo Castillo
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