Strategies that Guide Decisions in Moral and Bioetical Aspects in Nursing
Ethics, nursing, values, bioethics, morality.Abstract
Nursing ethics based on behavior and practical development of professional practice as a key element that ensures quality health service to patients who require hospital care, in addition to being a guide for decision making. Objective: Analyze the ethical aspects that influence nursing care. Development: Nursing has made progress as a profession, discipline, science and technology and this progress requires its professionals to make evident the relationship that exists between knowledge, values and ethical and bioethical principles that support the professional practice of nursing. nursing as social practice. A tour is made highlighting the importance of ethics and bioethics in nursing, codes of ethics, ethics in the act of nursing care, the act of care and professional responsibility and ends with the nursing ethical courts. Conclusions: Nursing must demonstrate humanized care in all the actions it carries out, applying the ethical and bioethical and scientific-technical dimension that bases its knowledge and its actions towards the person to be cared for.
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