Captive portal using Mikrotik equipment in the Telecommunications and Networks laboratory




Captive portal, Hotspot, Mikrotik.


The project focuses on the implementation of a captive portal using Mikrotik equipment, for the Telecommunications and Networks laboratory. The project arose because in the Laboratory there is no system that controls the Wi-Fi network, which makes security difficult and entails several inconveniences, including the lack of bandwidth management. This project is based on the implementation of a captive portal with Mikrotik for the Telecommunications and Networks laboratory. The waterfall methodology was used with three stages: a) Analysis of the technical requirements and selection of equipment using a comparative table. b) Configuring the captive portal through user authentication and bandwidth designation. c) validation of the captive portal through authentication tests, bandwidth and concurrent user access. The successful entry of users to the captive portal was verified, and it was verified that the bandwidth allocation and connection time were carried out satisfactorily. This allowed user access to be efficiently managed, while ensuring network security.


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How to Cite

Zambrano Rosado, D. Y., Bonilla Camisan, J. J. ., & Barberán Moreira, J. J. . (2024). Captive portal using Mikrotik equipment in the Telecommunications and Networks laboratory. REINCISOL, 3(6), 1856–1870.
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