Socialization of the results of the noise pollution analysis on Av. 3 de Julio and its intersections between Ambato Street and Zaracay Park in the Santo Domingo canton, 2024


  • Jonathan Fabricio Briceño Morocho Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tsáchila
  • Cristopher Darío Solorzano Alcívar Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tsáchila
  • Washington Javier Astudillo Martínez Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tsáchila
  • Geoconda Leonela Sánchez Quiroz Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tsáchila



Noise; sound level meter; dosimeter; noise levels; physical risk.


This research project aimed to investigate noise pollution on Av. 3 de Julio and its intersections, covering the stretch from Calle Ambato to Parque Zaracay in the Santo Domingo canton. The main objective was to identify and evaluate the primary sources of noise in the area, with an emphasis on vehicular traffic and the activity of street vendors. To achieve this goal, noise measurements were taken at strategic points along the avenue, using sound level meters at different times of the day and days of the week to obtain representative data. Additionally, statistical analysis was conducted to correlate noise levels with urban activities identified through surveys. The main findings revealed that intersections with higher vehicular flow and areas with a constant presence of street vendors, particularly on Calle Ambato and at Parque Zaracay, exhibited the highest levels of noise pollution. This phenomenon was most pronounced between 12:00 and 14:00 on Saturdays and Sundays. These findings highlight the urgent need to implement effective noise control and management strategies in urban design and public space planning. The information obtained provides a solid empirical basis for formulating local policies aimed at improving the urban acoustic environment and promoting healthier and more comfortable spaces for the Santo Domingo community.


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How to Cite

Briceño Morocho, J. F. ., Solorzano Alcívar, C. D. ., Astudillo Martínez, W. J. ., & Sánchez Quiroz, G. L. . (2024). Socialization of the results of the noise pollution analysis on Av. 3 de Julio and its intersections between Ambato Street and Zaracay Park in the Santo Domingo canton, 2024. REINCISOL, 3(6), 1552–1576.
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