Reengineering of the playful prototype of temporal-spatial orientation for children from 5 to 6 years old




Reengineering; playful prototype; temporal-spatial orientation; interactive game; child skills.


The present curriculum integration work focused on the reengineering of a playful prototype for temporal-spatial orientation for children aged 5 to 6 years, which will be presented as an interactive game in the classroom. The prototype incorporated an Arduino Nano microcontroller, ESP32, I2C module, 16x2 LCD, LED buttons, and other electrical and electronic components, allowing the generation of a light sequence adjusted to the user's difficulty level, which children must memorize and reproduce, measuring the time taken to perform the action. The initial state-of-the-art research provided a solid foundation for improving the prototype's design, focusing on integrating innovative technologies and interactive media to enhance pedagogical effectiveness and the game's appeal. The prototype's content was updated to ensure it meets current educational standards and user expectations, thus promoting optimal development of temporal-spatial skills in children. This comprehensive approach ensures that the prototype is not only functional and enjoyable but also effective in enhancing cognitive abilities in children of this age group.


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How to Cite

Farias Ortega , . P. C. ., Vivanco Montesdeoca , . D. J. ., Verdezoto Garofalo, M. M. ., & Hinojosa Tonato , M. A. . (2024). Reengineering of the playful prototype of temporal-spatial orientation for children from 5 to 6 years old. REINCISOL, 3(6), 1386–1407.
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