Evaluation of the degree of satisfaction in students of the safety and occupational risk prevention course regarding noise simulators in the activar classroom of the Tsa'chila Technological Institute


  • Ana Cristina Montalvan Veliz Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tsa`chila https://orcid.org/0009-0008-9275-8535
  • Maily Juliet Palacios Castañeda Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tsa`chila
  • Luis Marcelo Anchaluisa Parra Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tsa`chila https://orcid.org/0009-0003-5824-4075
  • Luis Paúl Núñez Naranjo Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tsa`chila




Simulators; Classroom activate; Noise; Learning; Job security.


The main objective of this research was to evaluate the degree of satisfaction of 121 students from the second to fifth semester of the Occupational Safety and Risk Prevention degree with respect to the simulators for physical risk (noise) in the Activar classroom of the Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tsáchila. To achieve this, the strengths and areas for improvement of the simulators were identified through a questionnaire designed to evaluate their usefulness, effectiveness and ease of use. The research was carried out using a mixed approach: qualitative and quantitative. From the qualitative approach, existing sources were reviewed to obtain relevant information on the topic. On the other hand, the quantitative approach was implemented through surveys applied to students, allowing precise data to be collected on their perception and level of satisfaction with the simulators. The results obtained from the surveys indicated that simulators are a crucial tool for the academic training of future technologists in Safety and Occupational Risk Prevention. The learning techniques used were positively valued by the students, who considered that these resources are essential for their professional preparation in the field of safety and occupational risk prevention.


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How to Cite

Montalvan Veliz , A. C. ., Palacios Castañeda , M. J. ., Anchaluisa Parra, L. M. . ., & Núñez Naranjo , L. P. . (2024). Evaluation of the degree of satisfaction in students of the safety and occupational risk prevention course regarding noise simulators in the activar classroom of the Tsa’chila Technological Institute. REINCISOL, 3(6), 1283–1303. https://doi.org/10.59282/reincisol.V3(6)1283-1303
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