Didactic alternatives for teaching geometric figures to 7th grade EGB students


  • Ricardo Steeven Cedeño Alchundia Universidad Técnica de Manabí https://orcid.org/0009-0009-2425-7322
  • Francisco Omar Cedeño Loor Universidad Técnica de Manabí




Educational interventions; Van Hiele model; quantitative approach; geometric understanding; meaningful learning.


Teaching geometric figures goes beyond theory; It is a powerful tool for cognitive development and understanding of the world around us. The general objective of this research is to propose didactic alternatives for teaching geometric figures to 7th year students, using Van Hiele's geometric reasoning model. The research methodology has a quantitative approach, experimental and application level, using a pre-experimental design. The research was applied in the “María de la Merced” Private Educational Unit where an experimental group (Parallel “A”) and a control group (Parallel “B”) were considered. The sample was made up of 73 students from the 7th year EGB. The application of the proposal is divided into three groups for a better understanding of the Van Hiele geometric reasoning model. Construction of polygons. Area of ​​regular polygons. Radius, Center, Circumference and π. The information obtained from the post-test showed a significant improvement in the scores of the experimental group, with an increase of 60 points compared to the control group, which increased only 15 points, demonstrating the effectiveness of the applied model.  The data obtained from the research underline the importance of implementing structured teaching models to improve learning in geometry, promoting meaningful learning. This research provides empirical evidence on the effectiveness of educational interventions based on Van Hiele's geometric reasoning model.


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How to Cite

Cedeño Alchundia, R. S. ., & Cedeño Loor, F. O. . (2024). Didactic alternatives for teaching geometric figures to 7th grade EGB students. REINCISOL, 3(6), 1106–1129. https://doi.org/10.59282/reincisol.V3(6)1106-1129
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