The new challenges of energy regulators in Ecuador and their role at the regional level


  • David Ricardo Macas Mendoza Universidad Técnica Luis Vargas Torres de Esmeraldas
  • Raúl Clemente Ulloa de Souza Universidad Técnica Luis Vargas Torres de Esmeraldas
  • Edson Francisco Quiñónez Guagua Universidad Técnica Luis Vargas Torres de Esmeraldas
  • Betsy Katherine Cambindo Quiñonez Universidad Técnica Luis Vargas Torres de Esmeraldas



Energy regulation, Ecuador, energy transition, regional interconnection, sustainability.


The energy sector in Ecuador faces a number of crucial challenges in a context of transition towards renewable energy, technological innovation, and the need for sustainability in the face of climate change. This article examines the new challenges for energy regulators in Ecuador and their role in the region, highlighting the importance of regulatory adaptation, the promotion of private investment, and regional interconnection. Through case studies, the experiences of countries such as Chile, Brazil, and Mexico, which face similar challenges in their energy sectors, are compared. Valuable lessons are drawn that can guide Ecuador in the modernization of its regulatory framework and the diversification of its energy matrix. Energy interconnection in the Andean and South American region presents itself as a key opportunity to strengthen energy security and promote international cooperation. The conclusions reflect the need for a flexible regulatory framework that fosters innovation and guarantees sustainability, while future prospects suggest a strategic role for Ecuador in the regional energy market. The article concludes with a reflection on the importance of integrating coherent and sustainable energy policies that not only benefit the country internally, but also allow Ecuador to influence the formulation of energy policies at the regional level.


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How to Cite

Macas Mendoza, D. R. ., Ulloa de Souza, R. C. ., Quiñónez Guagua, E. F. ., & Cambindo Quiñonez, B. K. . (2024). The new challenges of energy regulators in Ecuador and their role at the regional level. REINCISOL, 3(6), 545–567.
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