Multicomponent intervention in older adults at risk of frailty syndrome




fragility; Elderly; intervention; aging; careful.


Introduction: The World Health Organization (WHO) points out that aging is an irreversible process that human beings experience, it is associated with a decrease in muscle and bone mass. Since it causes a gradual deterioration of physical, cognitive and psychological functions. Objective: Determine the effectiveness of the multicomponent intervention in older adults at risk of frailty syndrome Methods: The research is quantitative, quasi-experimental design, longitudinal section, descriptive scope, it was carried out at the Sacred Heart of Jesus Nursing Home, Ciudadela neighborhood. Spain, in the period March - June 2024, the sample was 23 older adults. A pre and post test was assessed using the Barthel Index, Reduced Battery for the Assessment of Physical Performance (SPPB) and walking speed, where informed consent was obtained for the same, for this the SSPS program version 26.0 was used for the analysis of data. Results: The minimum age of the sample was 67 to 92 years. It was evident that at the beginning 60.9% presented moderate dependence, after the intervention it reached 34.8%. Regarding the moderate limitation at the beginning it was 34.8%, after the intervention it was 30.4%. Conclusions: Older adults who completed the multicomponent exercise program improved their physical condition, physical and functional dependence, which highlights the importance of implementing this intervention for healthy aging.


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How to Cite

Ushco Baño, S. D., & Espín López, V. I. (2024). Multicomponent intervention in older adults at risk of frailty syndrome. REINCISOL, 3(6), 354–375.
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