Study on Children and Adolescent Abuse: Laws, Programs and Protective Measures Against Violence




Child abuse; childhood; adolescence; laws; protective measures.


Introduction: This research addresses in depth the problem of child abuse, highlighting its seriousness as a violation of human rights that affects millions of children within the national and international scope. This violence is a problem that transcends the social character and reaches a personal point, leaving burdens in the integral development of children and adolescents who are victims. Objective: To examine the causes, consequences and forms of violence, as well as the existing laws and programs at the international and local level to protect children, as well as an exhaustive analysis of the possible sequels and consequences that the victims present. Methodology: An integral methodology has been used that combines quantitative techniques, including surveys, as well as a flexible and emergent qualitative approach. Results: The importance of adopting a participatory approach, involving children and adolescents in the design and implementation of protective measures is highlighted. Additionally, it is held that, even though, significant normative advances have been achieved, at present, within the social reality all the gaps between the effective application of laws have not yet disappeared; likewise, it is pointed out that there is still a rather limited social perception on this issue, due to cultural and ideological issues. Conclusions: The urgency of addressing the social problem of violence and child abuse is confirmed, highlighting the need to take preventive measures, promoting awareness and active participation of children and adolescents.


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How to Cite

Hidalgo Cajo, F. R. ., Romero Tacle, V. C. ., & Iguasnia Vallejo, J. P. . (2024). Study on Children and Adolescent Abuse: Laws, Programs and Protective Measures Against Violence. REINCISOL, 3(6), 188–206.
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