Metformin as prevention of breast cancer: Literature review.


  • María Graciela Laura Telenchana Universidad Técnica de Ambato
  • Ángel Geovanny Romo López Universidad Tecnica de Ambato



Breast Neoplasms, Breast Cancer, Mammary Tumors, Metformin, Metformin Hydrochloride, Prevention.


In The use of metformin, a widely employed medication for treating type 2 diabetes, has garnered increasing interest regarding its potential role in breast cancer prevention. The research aimed to assess the relationship between metformin use and breast cancer prevention. A meticulous literature search was conducted across various scientific databases, including PUBMED, SCOPUS, TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, REDALYC, SCIELO, the World Health Organization's Manual of Congenital Anomalies Surveillance, and other scientific journals, spanning the last five years. Boolean operators "OR" and "AND" were utilized to optimize search strategies. Analysis of these studies revealed a dichotomy in findings the favorable studies supported the idea that metformin could play a beneficial role in cancer prevention, especially in postmenopausal women, providing additional evidence in favor of metformin, in several articles suggest that there are different mechanisms that are involved in reducing the risk of breast cancer, such as time and the type of cancer receptor. However, some studies presented less favorable results, indicating dependency on specific factors not uniformly considered in observational studies and highlighting the complexity of different subtypes of breast cancer responses to metformin. In conclusion, this review offers a nuanced perspective on metformin's potential in breast cancer prevention, emphasizing both favorable and less conclusive findings


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How to Cite

Laura Telenchana , M. G., & Romo López , Ángel G. (2024). Metformin as prevention of breast cancer: Literature review. REINCISOL, 3(6), 88–113.
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