Effective Gamification Strategies for Meaningful Learning in Education
Artificial Intelligence (AI), Education, inclusion, opportunities, knowledge.Abstract
The intervention of games in students' learning processes constitutes a fundamental dynamic for the acquisition of practical knowledge that transforms perspectives and forms of teaching; Thus, this article proposes effective gamification strategies for meaningful learning for students of any academic level. The method that is implemented for the development of the objective is qualitative so that pedagogical practices are analyzed from the review of background information and the identification of studies that present satisfactory academic results with the use of games in teaching. Thus, a background review is carried out in academic databases and indexed journals so that an analysis of the strategies that are effective in students and which can be applied at different levels of learning is proposed. As a result, effective gamification strategies are: first, the study concludes the importance of creating activities that motivate the student using games and playful dynamics, in which the individual takes into account prior knowledge and through its applicability, learns new concepts. Second, the personalization of learning helps the teacher identify student needs; Third, the use of technology is a valuable tool that allows the teacher to diversify teaching, which is why the use of platforms such as Kahoot, Puzle, Educaplay or Classroom is proposed.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Karina Elizabeth Estupiñan Garzón , Clara Ortencia Teran Aulestia, Eugenio Santiago Cedeño López, Mariana Elizabeth Maldonado Yépez
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