Multitemporal analysis of the territorial growth of the rural population centers of the Santiago de Píllaro Canton, Ecuador




Geography, Demography, Orthophotographs, Satellites.


This research is based on the rural population nuclei of the Santiago de Pillaro Canton since they are sectors where planning is not articulated between the corresponding government levels, the works have been developed without observing the physical, social, economic, cultural conditions, institutional environmental and political; based on what is determined by the Organic Code of Territorial Ordering, the Law of Territorial Ordering, Land Use and Management and the Law of Rural Lands and Ancestral Territories established in Ecuadorian legislation. The analysis to identify the population nuclei that have had growth and development in the Santiago de Píllaro canton in the period 2010 - 2020, was carried out through the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), the main nuclei were spatially and multi-temporally examined. rural population, considering the population density with information from the 2010 Population and Housing Census with its respective projections for 2020, the coverage of basic services established in the PDOT 2019 -2023, the Plan for Land Use and Management 2032 and the analysis of cadastral cartography. Once the population nuclei were identified, a survey was carried out and in the territory that allowed to identify the causes of the growth and developments of these sectors which allowed to develop strategies and propose policies that allow the articulation of planning between the Parish, Cantonal and Provincial levels of government, considering that the Current regulations require planning to be both in the urban and rural sectors of the Cantons.


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How to Cite

Nieto Cañarte, C. A. ., Vélez Ruiz, M. C. ., Jiménez Icaza, M. G. ., & Sinchi Rivas, C. A. . (2024). Multitemporal analysis of the territorial growth of the rural population centers of the Santiago de Píllaro Canton, Ecuador. REINCISOL, 3(6), 60–87.
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