Integration of AI technologies in inclusive teaching strategies in higher education institutions




Artificial intelligence; educational inclusion; Personalization of learning; Disability support.


This article presents a review of the literature on the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in inclusive teaching strategies in higher education institutions. The review covers studies published between 2015 and 2024, which examine how AI technologies are used to promote inclusion and equity in academia. The research highlights the use of intelligent tutoring systems, virtual assistants and predictive analytics tools to personalize learning, adapting content and teaching methods to the individual needs of students, which is crucial to addressing diversity in the classroom.

Additionally, AI applications that support students with disabilities, such as voice recognition software and automated reading assistants, are examined, thereby facilitating access to educational materials and improving academic engagement. The review includes case studies that demonstrate how these technologies have been implemented at various universities, demonstrating benefits in terms of student retention, academic satisfaction, and closing achievement gaps.


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How to Cite

Herrería Gallardo, K. R. ., Ochoa Ordóñez , B. R. ., Alvarez Vinces , L. A. ., & Gallardo Ledesma , D. . (2024). Integration of AI technologies in inclusive teaching strategies in higher education institutions. REINCISOL, 3(5), 1747–1760.
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