Level of satisfaction due to conditions of admission to the emergency department at the hospital nuestra señora del Carmen during 2022
User dissatisfaction; Medical emergencies; Hospitalizations; Hospitalizations.Abstract
Patient satisfaction is considered an indicator of quality of care and it has been shown that quantifiable patient satisfaction data are required as a critical component of improving clinical performance by identifying problems and delineating areas of improvement to ensure equity in access and availability of care services. For this reason, this research project seeks to identify the level of satisfaction with conditions of admission to emergency services at the Hospital Nuestra Señora del Carmen during 2022. To this end, a quantitative and descriptive study was carried out in 150 patients at the Hospital Nuestra Señora del Carmen in the municipality of Carmen de Bolívar. The survey entitled "Rapid Patient Satisfaction Scale in the Emergency Department (ERSAPUR)" was used to collect the data, which consists of 13 questions on different aspects of patient satisfaction. There was evidence of dissatisfaction regarding the waiting time and the staff that attends them, revealing several variables that influence this perception.
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