Technical approach for the implementation of hybrid renewable energy systems: challenges, possibilities and implications


  • Julia Elena Ureña Erazo Facultad de Posgrado de la Universidad Técnica de Manabí
  • Alejandro Javier Martínez Peralta Facultad de Posgrado de la Universidad Técnica de Manabí



Solar energy, wind energy, renewable sources, hybrid energy system.


This research comprehensively examines hybrid renewable energy systems that combine solar and wind technologies, focusing on their current challenges, opportunities and policy implications. Despite the individual merits of solar and wind energy systems, their intermittent nature and geographic limitations have sparked interest in hybrid solutions that maximize efficiency and reliability through integrated systems. A critical analysis of the available literature indicates that hybrid systems significantly mitigate power intermittency issues, improve grid stability, and can be more cost-effective due to shared infrastructure. The review identifies key challenges, such as system optimization, energy storage, and seamless energy management, and discusses technological innovations such as machine learning algorithms and advanced inverters that have the potential to overcome these obstacles. Importantly, the review clarifies the role of policy in accelerating the adoption of these systems, highlighting successful case studies of government incentives, public-private partnerships and regulatory frameworks that have encouraged investments in hybrid renewable energy systems. The study concludes with the results obtained, which reveal the potential of hybrid renewable energy systems not only to meet future energy demand in a sustainable way, but to exceed it, provided that concerted efforts are made in terms of research, investment and policy formulation.


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How to Cite

Ureña Erazo, J. E. ., & Martínez Peralta, A. J. . (2024). Technical approach for the implementation of hybrid renewable energy systems: challenges, possibilities and implications. REINCISOL, 3(5), 1428–1446.
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