Legal Analysis of the Administrative Act: Presumption of Legality and Guarantees of the Administered in the Ecuadorian Constitutional Context




presumption, administrative, legality, subjective, legislation.


The present work called Administrative Act, was carried out due to its current interest, it is legally supported under constitutional prescriptions. The administrative act is one of the ways that the Public Administration expresses its will.

Although the presumption of legality of the administrative act is a prerogative of the State through its institutions, this circumstance could simply affect the subjective rights of those administered; This, due to the wide scope of discretion enjoyed by the authority to express the institutional will and, in a constitutional State of rights such as the one that governs Ecuador, is extremely serious and puts legal security at risk, beyond that, with the passage of time through the challenge resources enshrined in the legal system, they may be rendered ineffective.


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How to Cite

Ordóñez Córdova, L. A. . (2024). Legal Analysis of the Administrative Act: Presumption of Legality and Guarantees of the Administered in the Ecuadorian Constitutional Context. REINCISOL, 3(5), 1185–1195.
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