Inheritance rights of children in mixed marriage: Cases not analyzed from the perspective of international civil law




Inheritance rights, children, intermarriage.


This article aims to find out the protection of inheritance rights of children of mixed marriages that are not registered in the perspective of Indonesian International Civil Law (HPI Indonesia). The research subject of this article is a doctrinal or dogmatic legal research, or normative legal method or also called literary legal research, with the method of deductive reasoning. This deductive reasoning method is used to conclude things that are general about something special which then leads to a conclusion. The results of this article show that the law applicable to mixed marriages can be seen based on the principles of HPI Indonesia, including the principle of lex loci Celebrations, joint nationality, or joint residence, where the marriage takes place, where the husband and wife become citizens. after marriage or the residence of the husband and wife. But for mixed marriages that are not registered according to the applicable rules, the inheritance of the child, especially of the father, is not eliminated, if there is recognition with an authentic deed.


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How to Cite

Toapaxi Adame , K. M. (2024). Inheritance rights of children in mixed marriage: Cases not analyzed from the perspective of international civil law. REINCISOL, 3(5), 1129–1143.
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